We’re coming up on Mother’s Day this May and it got me thinking about the mommy makeover surgery Dr. Hall performed on me in February of 2013.  As I was revisiting the blog on HallBlessedTimesThree that Tricia wrote in 2013 about my procedure, I was struck by how fast the time has flown by!  It doesn’t seem like 2 years have already passed since my transforming surgery.  On February 19, 2013, Dr. Hall performed a breast implant exchange, a breast lift, and a tummy tuck on me in our accredited in-office operating room.  I couldn’t wait to have the surgery.  After having 3 babies via c-section I was ready to have a shape transformation.  My results have been amazing and truly rewarding.  My recovery was easier than I could have ever imagined, and I was surprised to be off my daytime oral narcotics after only 3 days post procedure.  I transitioned to ibuprofen and used narcotics only at night really just to help me sleep.  I returned to my desk job at Hall after one week part time and was back to full time at 2 weeks.  This is not to say that I wasn’t very tired when I returned home each day, but I certainly was able to do my work and rest when I got home as needed.

The surgery truly transformed the entire shape of my body.  Even one of my coworkers commented that my breast lift was so transforming it had taken years off my appearance, even more so than the tummy tuck.  You don’t realize what having 3 babies does to the outward appearance of your breasts until you see the results after a lift.

Now 2 years later, my results are still incredible.  I’ve also learned that they unfortunately, don’t protect you from the woes of aging and letting your diet slide.  I am still a work in progress and good diet and activity are a critical part of long term post care and maintenance.  The great part about the surgery is that it helped me address what my own efforts couldn’t change about my shape.  But like all of us, I still have to work at it every day.

I’d have the mommy makeover again without hesitation and encourage anyone interested in regaining their pre-baby shape to talk to Dr. Hall.  I’d be happy to share more of my story and results with you.