As you all know from my previous blogs, in 2010 Dr. Hall performed Liposuction on my stomach and flanks, a procedure that I’ve absolutely loved. What many of you may not know is that he used an advanced technology for my surgery known as Custom Acoustic Liposucton, or “Tickle Lipo”as it’s often referred. What makes the technology so unique is the vibrating and twirling cannula that allows for faster disbursement of tumescent solution, and greater ease of breaking through fat tissue for extraction. As a result, patients numb quicker with less discomfort, and there is less damage to tissue which means less swelling, bruising, pain, and downtime post surgery. Many patients can even opt to remain awake during their procedure with local and oral sedation. This is a great alternative for those patients that prefer to avoid general anesthesia. People are often shocked when I tell them that I had my procedure on a Thursday and was back to work Monday morning. I even went on a boat ride the Sunday after my procedure! The recovery was a breeze for me and results completely exceeded my expectations.

That was over 5 years ago, and we’ve been so pleased with the Tickle Lipo technology that we recently upgraded to the 6th Generation Tickle Lipo Device. It is extremely important to me and Dr. Hall to bring patients the very best, and we can confidently say we have it with the Tickle Lipo technology. I had the pleasure of sitting in on a recent Tickle Lipo surgery with one of Dr. Hall’s patients. She chose to have her procedure performed awake, with local and oral sedation. She had a great experience and even laughed through most of her surgery because the vibration of the cannula felt as though someone was “tickling” her. I was blown away by her comfort level through the entire procedure. She even allowed me to film part of her surgery which I’ve included below. If you’ve been on the fence about Liposuction, I encourage you to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hall and learn about your options. The technologies available have evolved and it’s easier than ever to achieve the contoured, more sculpted shape.