Body contouring is one of the top goals that sends patients to their plastic surgeon today. The ability to sculpt traditionally problematic areas of the body to create a leaner profile is an attractive concept to men and women of all ages. If you are looking for a way to whittle your waist and slim down your midsection, the two best options for you are probably liposuction or a tummy tuck. Which procedure will give you the results you are hoping for?


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes isolated, stubborn pockets of fat from anywhere on the body. At Hall Plastic Surgery, we offer the revolutionary Tickle Lipo procedure for this purpose. Tickle Lipo uses vibration to better distribute the tumescent solution placed in the treatment area, which means faster numbing and less discomfort for the patient. The procedure can also be performed under local, rather than general anesthesia in most cases.

Liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis and may be used to treat other areas of the body in addition to the midsection. This procedure removes fat cells via gentle suction, leaving the treated area smoother and visibly smaller. It is frequently recommended for smaller fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is another surgical procedure that specifically addresses excess fat, tissue and skin around the abdomen. This procedure uses a much bigger incision than liposuction, which typically extends from the pubic line to the naval. In addition to smoothing away fat pockets, a tummy tuck removes excess skin and repairs abdominal muscles that have become lax, for a leaner, more sculpted midsection.

A tummy tuck is usually performed under general anesthesia and may require an overnight in a hospital. The procedure also requires a longer recovery period than liposuction. Liposuction patients are usually back to regular activities within one week, while tummy tuck patients may need a number of weeks before they are ready to get back into the general swing of things.

Your choice of a tummy tuck or liposuction will depend on the amount of fat you want removed and whether you need loose skin removed at the same time. Since a tummy tuck can also retighten abdominal muscles, it is often the preferred procedure for patients that have lost their muscle tone in the midsection due to pregnancies, weight gain or the aging process. Liposuction is a better choice for patients that have achieved a healthy weight but still have small areas of fat that will not respond to their weight loss efforts.

At Hall Plastic Surgery, Dr. Hall performs both liposuction and tummy tucks for his patients. He will work with you to determine the best procedure for your needs and ensure you achieve the most satisfying results. To learn more about these procedures, contact Hall Plastic Surgery at 855-851-4932.